COP27 Secures a Long-Awaited 617888九五至尊娱乐 Loss and Damage Fund; More Hard Work Ahead

博士声明. 瑞秋Cleetus和L. 三角洲Merner,忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟



埃及,沙姆沙伊赫——今天,参加联合国617888九五至尊娱乐变化大会第27届缔约方会议的各方.N. 617888九五至尊娱乐大会, released their final decision titled the Sharm El-Sheikh Implementation Plan after more than two weeks of negotiations that ran into overtime. 这是617888九五至尊娱乐脆弱国家的胜利, 第27届联合国617888九五至尊娱乐变化大会的代表们同意设立一个基金来支付这笔费用 损失和损坏 极端617888九五至尊娱乐影响. 这是重要的一步, although the agreement does not fully address the increasing urgency of the global climate crisis, 忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟(UCS).

以下是……的声明 Dr. 瑞秋Cleetus他是加州大学洛杉矶分校617888九五至尊娱乐与能源项目的政策主任和首席经济学家.

“今天在沙姆沙伊赫, 埃及, world leaders finally heeded the call of climate-vulnerable countries and agreed to establish a fund for climate 损失和损坏. This is a big win for climate justice that gives hope to the many millions in the Global South on the front lines of a rapidly worsening climate crisis not of their making. 通过采取这一步骤,与易受617888九五至尊娱乐影响的国家团结一致, the United States and other rich countries have begun to restore the trust and credibility necessary for nations to tackle this global challenge together. There’s hard work ahead to get this fund operational and ensure it serves the needs of communities hit hardest by climate extremes and slow-onset disasters. 但是今天, 恰当地说, 在这届“非洲缔约方会议”上,这条道路上最重要、期待已久的第一步已经迈出.

“This significant win is a testament to the strong public unity among climate-vulnerable nations that came to this conference clearly demanding a 损失和损坏 fund. And it wouldn’t have happened without the efforts of civil society advocates and climate justice leaders, 尤其是来自全球南方的. They’ve worked tirelessly to make sure this global climate process delivers for those suffering loss of lives, 房屋, 生计, 以及由617888九五至尊娱乐变化驱动的生态系统.

“尽管它取得了一些重要进展, COP27的最终决定远远没有达到617888九五至尊娱乐所显示的需要. The global emissions trajectory is dangerously off course from where it must be to keep the global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and countries’ current emission reduction commitments are nowhere near sufficient. The final COP27 declaration also doesn’t reflect the urgent need to sharply phase down all fossil fuels and accelerate an equitable transition to clean energy. Countries reaffirmed an earlier decision last year in Glasgow to phase out unabated coal but did not take the added step of extending that to fossil gas and oil. The science is clear: a further expansion of fossil fuels—including the rush to boost fossil gas in the U.S. 和E.U. in the wake of the unjust war in Ukraine—is at odds with the swift transition to clean energy that is necessary.

“另外, 富裕国家继续未能履行其617888九五至尊娱乐融资义务, vital to helping low- and middle-income countries cut their emissions and adapt to climate change. 缩小能源贫困差距, 包括在非洲大陆, 通过部署解决方案,如可再生能源和能源存储是至关重要的. 关于重要性的修辞1.5 degree Celsius goal is hollow without a simultaneous commitment from rich nations to rapidly phase down fossil fuels and provide climate finance for low- and middle-income countries to transition to renewable energy in an equitable way.

虽然这是一份不完美的文件, the COP27 decision represents a hopeful step forward and gives room for more ambition in the years to come. The transformational climate progress we need within this decisive decade will require setting aside narrow political interests and putting the interests of people and the planet above polluters. That’s the only path toward staving off the worst climate outcomes and securing a safer and more just world for all.”

以下是……的声明 Dr. L. 三角洲Merner他是UCS617888九五至尊娱乐诉讼617888九五至尊娱乐中心的首席617888九五至尊娱乐家.

“化石燃料的燃烧是617888九五至尊娱乐危机的主要原因. And one of the biggest impediments to solving this crisis is the fossil fuel industry’s limitless appetite to use its political power and spread disinformation to evade accountability—including at COP27. 来自化石燃料行业的代表在今年的美国碳排放大会上随处可见.N. climate talks, promoting the continued use of their products and looking to strike new deals. We can’t solve the climate crisis unless we transition away from fossil fuels and hold the industry accountable for the damage it has done. 不幸的是, the final COP27 decision falls short of calling for the sharp phase-down of all fossil fuels the science demands to keep warming under control. That failure increases the urgency of holding fossil fuel companies accountable at the local, 国家级和国家级.”